Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
By David Ben-Ariel

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. Who are these two prophets? What do they have to say? Why are they called the two witnesses? How will their message be proclaimed? And is there any special significance to the fact that they're headquartered in Jerusalem?

God's Church has often wondered about these things, but we ALL need to know the answers to these vital questions, especially since the two witnesses will soon make their debut upon the world stage!

Even as the United Europe, the German-EU, is being raised up before our very eyes, just as Herbert W. Armstrong said it would, isn't it reasonable that God is raising up the two witnesses who will testify against it?

And even as God's Church is approaching the end of their great commission (Herbert W. Armstrong took the Gospel around the world, the Church of God must warn the world), isn't it only reasonable that the two witnesses should be beginning theirs? (John 3:30).

Didn't Isaiah foresee this very event when he prophesied of the "night when no man can work," but assures us of two whom God would simultaneously raise up to impart their light? (Isaiah 60:1-2).

It appears that the full power and glory of Elijah's office isn't to be fulfilled until AFTER God's Church has been removed to "her place" and a double portion of God's Spirit is transferred to our successor -- the two witnesses! (Revelation 12:14; 2 Kings 2:9).

God states that He shall station watchmen in Jerusalem. Why? For the purpose of comforting His captive Church and Israelite people. How will they be comforted? By the ASSURANCE that our God will come and save us and avenge us of our enemies (Isaiah 62:6-7; 40:1; 35:3-4)! The specific commission and anointing of the two witnesses is clearly recorded in Isaiah 61:1-2.

Remember your Roots

Malachi 4:5-6 further reveals that they are to PREPARE THE NATION of Israel for the Coming of our King, by a baptism of repentance that will prepare them to receive the Holy Spirit (which is to be poured out at Christ's return). That national preparation is only possible if Israel's heart is turned back to the heart of our fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), and then, in turn, our hearts must be turned back to the GOD of our fathers and His TRUE religion.

Presently there's a "generation gap" between the fathers and us because the true religion demands obedience to the Law of God. Abraham recognizes only the obedient as his legal heirs (Genesis 18:19; John 8:39; Galatians 3:29). And since we're a rebellious nation and people (Isaiah 30:9), Abraham refuses to acknowledge us (Isaiah 63:16; Hosea 5:7; 6:7).

If Israel dares to reject this necessary "family reunion" that would direct us to our Heavenly Father, God will be forced to destroy all rebellious life from off the face of the earth. Why? Because Israel is God's national firstborn and the law demands death to stubborn sons (Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Malachi 4:6)!

God realizes that if Israel can't be saved, then no nation can. The continued existence of Israel is vital to the survival of ALL nations, because Israel is the national salt as the Church of God is the spiritual salt!

Because of the COVENANT that God entered into with Abraham, Israel is the racial elect, and for our fathers' sakes God has always left us a REMNANT, ordained some survivors, to keep His Promise alive (Matthew 24:22; Isaiah 1:9). We are to return to our fathers and their true religion and remember the Covenant (2 Chronicles 30:6; 1 Kings 18:36-37; Isaiah 51:1-3). This is the commission of the two witnesses. That Covenant reveals Christ as Lord and Savior, Priest and King - not just one or the other. He is to save us from men and deliver us from sin (Luke 2:68-69)!

Israel's National Deliverer

It's important to note that God's Message throughout the ages has always been affected by events and conditions. The early apostles preached the Gospel, but placed special emphasis on proving that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah - because that was the issue of their day. Herbert W. Armstrong has preached the Gospel, but with a special emphasis on Christ's necessary intervention to save us from total annihilation - because the burning question of human survival hangs in the balance! God's two witnesses will proclaim the Gospel, but will place special emphasis on the fact that Christ is ISRAEL'S NATIONAL MESSIAH and is coming to SAVE them specifically.

Why? Because the ancient Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Isn't it interesting that Jesus came to confirm the Covenant during Judah's oppression; the time when fear and doubt would seek to undermine faith in God's Contract (Luke 2:38)? The true Gospel is going to become very relevant and personal to every captive Israelite, because that GOOD NEWS assures Israel's deliverance and vengeance on their enemies (Isaiah 35:4)! That "Strong Hand from Someplace" that Mr. Armstrong spoke of so often, will wrest the world from the clutches of the Roman eagle!

The spearhead of the message of the two witnesses will be directed to Israel, but will also include the Gentiles. Presently God's Work, following an established pattern, witnesses predominately to the nations of Israel, though including the Gentiles to a lesser degree. God sends His prophets to Israel, but often they also address the Gentiles with a warning message, never leaving them without a witness.

Undoubtedly the Book of Revelation will be utilized to identify the Beast and False Prophet, but basically "Babylon" will be warned by the two witnesses when Israel's offered vengeance and deliverance - indicting Europe of sin, warning them to repent or suffer the consequences. Europe must restrain their brute force or be imprisoned and destroyed! Some precious Europeans will fear God and respond like the Hebrew midwives and certain of Pharaoh's servants.

There are also the shining examples of those who protected the Jews from Hitler's Nazis. (I'm especially thankful for the Polish family of Jan Bulski who hid my "kibbutz mother," Miriam Weiss. She had originally been in the Warsaw Ghetto until a place was found for her. Sorrowfully, Miriam's mother had to remain behind (and was sent to Treblinka where she died), but she was so happy for her daughter to escape). God readily accepts the righteous Gentiles.

Conditions for Release

Israel will quickly repent, expecting instant liberation, but the two witnesses will then have to explain the Covenant STIPULATIONS FOR OUR DELIVERANCE.

The Covenant stipulations are: First, confess and forsake our sins and traditions of men, as the CAUSE of our national distress. Second, we must accept the corrective punishment for our sins (Leviticus 26:40-42). Israel will quickly submit to these stipulations, desiring deliverance, but will be aghast to discover themselves still enslaved (Proverbs 1:28-31)! Their initial confused reaction will be to question the Message of Vengeance/Deliverance. At Israel's critical juncture, crying, "Haven't we straightened up? Isn't God going to forgive us? Have we been forsaken after all?" The two witnesses will then impart an even greater insight and depth of understanding of the Covenant conditions. How? By instructing Israel how they must ACCEPT THE CORRECTIVE PUNISHMENT! And as for their words, "God has forsaken us," God hasn't forsaken them. THEY HAVE FORSAKEN GOD!

Israel must reap the whirlwind that they've sown to realize the evil of their way. We must understand that we are RESPONSIBLE for all the suffering and misery we'll experience in captivity (Jeremiah 4:18). Israel WILL be forgiven, but "I will correct you in measure, and will not leave you altogether unpunished" (Jeremiah 30:11). Israel must accept the fact that they're not going to be delivered overnight, and that to accept the corrective punishment means to actually receive it—UNTIL the appointed Time when God will hear and intervene on our behalf (Isaiah 49:8)!

We may be comforted in that there IS a PURPOSE being worked our here below! And of Israel it is written: "You are My servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified" (Isaiah 49:3). Israel will fulfill her call, by the power of God's Holy Spirit, but first she must confess and forsake her sins, and in true humility accept the corrective punishment incurred by them - then will God come with His Vengeance/Deliverance! It's certain!

God will never forsake His People Israel, though Israel will temporarily feel that He has. But God will disperse such fears and embrace His Elect (Isaiah 49:15). Though God will definitely allow us to suffer for our sins, God suffers when we suffer because He really does love and pity us (Isaiah 63:9). When we're in the thick of it - the Time of Jacob's Trouble - He'll be there for us (Genesis 22:13; Matthew 27:29).

Our Faithful God promises that He'll never leave or forsake us, but as IMMANUEL will ever be aware of us, even saying: "I WILL BE WITH YOU..." as He promised our fathers who whom's sake we're beloved. "Therefore, FEAR NOT...neither be dismayed...for lo, I WILL SAVE YOU..." (Jeremiah 30:10-11).

Delay isn't Denial

God will, as a responsible Father, send corrective punishment. But understanding that it's for our ultimate good, we're not to despise it or get bitter towards God. God wants to insure our minds are indelibly impressed with the understanding of WHY the Great Tribulation will occur, and how we're to accept the correction with hope and not despair. We have to remember that the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" is TEMPORARY, and that there is a purpose for it all (Ezekiel 14:23).

Just as surely as the bad news Herbert W. Armstrong foretold will come true, so also will the GOOD NEWS he announced come to pass!

God will hear our prayers and accept our heartfelt prayers, in accordance to the Covenant (2 Chronicles 7:14). But "In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in a day of salvation have I helped you..." (Isaiah 49:8). Yes, the two witnesses are even "to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God..." (Isaiah 61:2). We must never forget that DELAY ISN'T DENIAL (Micah 7:7-10).

Israel must come to understand that any delay is to enable us to prepare to meet our God (Amos 4:12). We will be given sufficient time to demonstrate our change of heart. Before ancient Israel entered into the Old Covenant, they were given two days to sanctify themselves for the third day when God would appear. Apparently, modern Israel and Judah are also given "two days" to prepare themselves for the New Covenant (Hosea 6:1-2). We know for sure that Christ is to intervene in world affairs around the third year of our captivity!

Therefore, while bearing the "indignation" of the Eternal, in acceptance of the corrective punishment, we're to repent and prepare for Christ's coming! Israel will await salvation, knowing that when their captivity's time has expired and the prophecies been fulfilled, God Almighty will begin His process of deliverance!

Faith and Patience

Understanding the PURPOSE of the apparent delay in their deliverance, Israel will be comforted and wait with hope on the Lord. Israel must develop and exercise FAITH AND PATIENCE! We're to have faith in God's promise of Vengeance/Deliverance, and quietly await it in patience. We're to persevere in hope, comforted by our understanding, possess peace knowing that deliverance is sure, and joy in that our prayers have been heard! Truly, the two witnesses are instrumental in comforting Israel, imparting insight into the necessary steps of repentance, and encouraging Jacob to "hang in there!"

It's only those who endure to the end, who refuse to give up, who never surrender, who will be saved; but "blessed are all they that wait for Him" (Isaiah 30:18). God will accept the humble and contrite spirit that a conquered and repentant Israel will have, and will revive their heart lest they fall into despair beyond repair. God will heal and forgive Jacob: "I will lead him also and will restore comforts unto him and his mourners" (Isaiah 57:15-17).

We must have faith in God's deliverance and patiently await it. "If any man have an ear, let him is the faith and patience of the saints" (Revelation 13:9-10). "And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us; this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation!" (Isaiah 25:9). "Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"(Lk. 18:7-8).

Israel will understand that delay isn't denial, but enables preparation for salvation (2 Peter 3:9), but Europe will be condemned for their misinterpretation of it as a justification for their atrocities (Jeremiah 50:7)! The delay isn't only for Israel, it's also an opportunity for Europe to repent! Europe is not condemned because they unite. Europe MUST unite! Europe is not condemned because they attack and conquer the nations of Israel. Europe is condemned because of their pride and excessive punishment of Israel!

God will deliver Israel - because of our sins - into the hands of our European enemies. Europe is intended to deliver the corrective punishment necessary to jolt Israel to her spiritual senses. Instead Europe will attribute their awesome military conquests to themselves and their politico-religious system!

Europe, drunk on their success, will then no longer be utilized by God to correct Israel in measure (Jeremiah 30:11), but by SATAN who seeks to destroy Israel (Isa. 47:6)! That explains why Christ will assist Judah in their revolt against an authority no longer constituted by God (Zechariah 12:5). God intends for Israel to be punished (Zechariah 1:15), but evil Europe, oblivious to their own sins (2 Chronicles 28:10), will execute cruel and unusual punishment!

Europe's leaders state their "historical obligation" to unite Europe. Apparently their grasp of history and destiny isn't as great as they like to imagine. The same Europe who effectively wields history to support their state will undermine it by ignoring Biblical examples! The Roman restoration is bound to deteriorate! The Bible is replete with warnings to the Gentiles not to abuse what God delivers into their hands (Dan. 5:22-23). God decries Europe's ignorance of Biblical history and takes them to task for forgetting their ordained purpose (Isaiah 47:7; Deuteronomy 32:29)!

Plagues and Protection

Europe will taunt Israel, saying, "Where is your God?" The irony of the blasphemous taunt is that it reveals the effectiveness of the two witnesses' message, because Israel is trusting in God for deliverance, and it furthers the penetration of it! When the prison guards mock our message of comfort it will arouse the Eternal to intervene for HIS Name's Sake (Joel 2:17; Micah 7:10)!

Even as God poured out His plagues on Egypt, revealing Himself as far above all, so also will God pour out His plagues on Europe to reveal Himself as the Most High God! When God overthrows Europe's counterfeit kingdom, the pinnacle of human success, it will identify HIM alone as the ETERNAL (1 Kings 18:39)! When Messiah deposes the Beast and False Prophet, history's most powerful beings, that leaves the Great God, the God of Heaven as GOD ALONE (Daniel 2:35)!

God wants all mankind to come to know Him. Remember Abraham is the father of many nations. God's salvation will ultimately include Egypt and Assyria with Israel (Isaiah 19:23-25). God's Temple is to be a House of Prayer for ALL nations.

Previously God only offered His Holy Spirit to select individuals. They became the foundation of God's Church. Then God offered His Holy Spirit to a collective group who became His Church. We're numbered among those chosen few who will assist Christ when He rules. This expanding principle reveals that Israel will become the first NATION to receive God's Holy Spirit. We've all been trained to teach others later. Israel is simply to become God's Instrument, serving as a "light to all nations."

Unfortunately, some captive Israelites' faith will be shaken by their mocking guards. We must not be blinded by the sight of Europe's apparent success! Europe will have conquered her enemies and become a very prosperous kingdom - all of which they will attribute to their idolatrous religious system. God will remind Israel of His purpose and exhort them to fear God and not man. Europe will soon be defeated by Israel's Messiah (Isaiah 10:24-25; 37:23; 51:7)! Others will follow after false messiahs offering salvation before the appointed time (Isaiah 51:14; Luke 17:22-24). When the Day of the Lord has truly arrived, GOD will avenge and deliver His People Israel! Europe will have fulfilled the iniquity of Babylon and incurred the just wrath, plagues and indignation of the Eternal for His physical and spiritual people and Temple (Jeremiah 51:11, 35, 62; Revelation 6:10). God will have previously warned Israel and Europe about His "seven last plagues." God extends His offer of protection to repentant Israelites AND Gentiles alike (Revelation 7:4,9,14).

Jerusalem's Liberation

God will station the two witnesses in Jerusalem (on and around the Temple Mount) to direct Israel's attention there (Revelation 11:3; Jeremiah 51:50). Why? Because Jerusalem and the true Gospel are inseparable! The GOOD NEWS of our imminent Vengeance/Deliverance will be announced from the future capital of God's One World Government, because the Messiah will reign from the Throne of His father David!

Jerusalem will be the first to be liberated when Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives, enabling the historic site of David's Throne to be secured - then shall all Israel be saved when the Messiah goes forth from Zion! Christ will be proclaimed King (Isaiah 52:7). Jerusalem's redemption from Gentile occupation is Israel's comfort, because when the Messiah reigns in the City of our God, Israel's deliverance will have arrived!

The two witnesses are witnesses in advance, by faith, of the Day when "the LORD shall bring again Zion" (Isaiah 52:8-9; 62:6-7). As watchmen they await its fulfillment, though already ANNOUNCING IT as fact (Isaiah 40:1- 2; Romans 4:17). They herald the imminent Zionist Movement of ALL Israel, under Shiloh (Genesis 49:10), back to the Land of Zion and Jerusalem! They will prophesy the RESTORATION OF ISRAEL and assure Jerusalem of future glory, promising the Temple shall be built (Isaiah 44:26-28; Ezekiel 40-48). These two prophets, in "the spirit of Elijah," must IDENTIFY MESSIAH TO JUDAH AND INTRODUCE HIM TO ISRAEL!

When are the Two Witnesses Resurrected?

It's time to understand what the Bible teaches on this subject. Many have carelessly assumed that their resurrection -- to occur three and one half days after their death takes place at the same time as Christ's coming. THAT IS WRONG! Such a teaching contradicts the clear scripture: "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32; Acts 1:7). All we would have to do is count three and one half days after they've been martyred and we would know the day and practically the hour! Besides the Scripture plainly states immediately following their resurrection: "The second woe is past and the third woe comes quickly" (Revelation 11:14). The third woe is simultaneous with Jesus' coming and the pouring out of the 7 last plagues in His presence.

The two witnesses will be restored to human life after three and one half days, corresponding to their three and one half years of ministry, as a SIGN that Israel - who'll be as good as dead - will also be resurrected! There is life after Babylon! Then "air transportation" will be provided for them just like it was for Enoch and Elijah - who flew the friendly skies of the first heaven. The two witnesses will be transferred to another location on earth, undoubtedly united with the brethren in "her place", to await the imminent return of Christ!

Israel's Restoration

Israel is informed that she will supervise the Gentiles who will rebuild the ruins (Isaiah 61:4-6,9). God promised Abraham to be our God and give us the Land of Israel (not Ishmael) as our inheritance. (Satan seeks to erase Israel's name off the map by calling it "Palestine"! [Psalm 83:4]). God promises to restore that Land to us again (Ezekiel 11:17), and expresses jealousy for it to support only Israel (Jeremiah 10:25). God promises to remember us and our land when we repent (Leviticus 26:42; 2 Chronicles 7:14). The land will have enjoyed its Sabbaths during our exile, but after our return we will respect the land and it will become a virtual Eden! (Ezekiel 36:35).

The Land and lives of Israel, both seemingly barren and desolate, shall blossom as the rose by the refreshing waters of God's Holy Spirit. That's the MIRACLE that will glorify God's Power before all nations!

When Christ returns, Israel will be transformed into a formidable force. We're to assist in the punishment of our enemies (Isaiah 11:12-14; 41:15-16; Micah 4:12-13; 5:9; Habakkuk 3:12; Daniel 2:35; Psalms 149:6-9). Victory is certain during our great trek Home, following Shiloh's command. Captive Israel will be assured of a Homeland of rest and peace, of quiet living without fear and terror (Isaiah 32:18).

Blessed be God who will have arranged for our "family reunion" with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Blessed be God who will have respect for His Covenant and save us a remnant. And blessed be God who will mightily anoint two men, two witnesses, with the sacred oil of His Holy Spirit to illuminate Israel from Jerusalem with love!