Friday, March 20, 2009
America to suffer national captivity
God gives us what we want, but we usually don’t take Him seriously, UNTIL it’s too late! When the heat’s on and we feel the pressure, but still maintain our “innocence” and wonder what’s going on, God calls our bluff and lays it on the line: “Just as you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve aliens in a land that is not yours” (Jer. 5:19).
If British-Israel’s so captivated with TINSEL TRADITIONS, God lets their lies blind them: “But My people would not heed My voice, and Israel would have [nothing to do with Me]. So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels”—to follow their own advice and get a taste of their own medicine (Psalm 81:11-12).
Are we any different? Haven’t we also insisted on doing our own thing? Don’t we take pride in the “I did it my way” approach? “Just as they have chosen their own way, and their soul delights in their abominations, so will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them because when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight” (Isa. 66:3-4).
We’re going to be left alone! Just like we thought we wanted! But we’re going to find out how scary isolation can be!
Questionable Standards
Who isn’t an “a la carte” Christian or Jew? What church or synagogue wants God to order that they can only pick and choose from a “kosher menu?” What Christian today feels any shame for celebrating Christmas (shades of Saturnalia), or expresses heartfelt remorse over observing an Easter-sunrise service? (Ezek. 8:16). Who says we can now eat pork? Peter’s vision of the “unclean animals” was about GENTILES whom God had cleansed. Read his interpretation of it—after all, it was given to him to understand (Acts 10:28).
God’s people must accept GOD’S STANDARDS of good and evil, right and wrong, clean and unclean—but we’ve thrown everything in together and can’t seem to get things sorted out, having taken a liberty with God’s word and law that He hasn’t given us.
“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down, says the LORD” (Jer. 6:15).
God’s going to put us back in our place! We’re acting presumptuous when we follow man-made rules and regulations. We’re to follow GOD—if we want to live!
Abominable Christians
Professing Christianity—steeped in unscriptural ways—enjoys participating in every pagan abomination. They certainly don’t feel any guilt or see anything wrong with it—because they’re reprobate and blind! They don’t even realize their gall before God, who says He can’t stomach their ways! “So then, because you are lukewarm [useless], and neither cold nor hot [serve no definite purpose, as far as God’s concerned], I WILL VOMIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH” (Rev. 3:16).
God says He’s sick of our religious sins! He’s disgusted that those who should know better, who say that they’re in shape, are spiritually soft and flabby. They’re going to get a workout real soon to show them their pitiful condition: shape-up, or get shipped out—with all the other prisoners of war!
But no matter how hard some try to whitewash their ways, or camouflage their pagan practices with Christian-labels, they’re not fooling anybody but themselves: “For though you wash yourself with lye, and use much soap, yet your iniquity is marked before Me, says the Lord GOD. How can you say I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals?” (Jer. 2:22-23).
Jesus ISN’T Lord!
But we’ve followed false Christs! That’s why Jesus asked: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). Whether we realize it or not, too many have given their hearts to “another Jesus,” received “another spirit” and believed “another gospel” (2 Cor. 11:4).
How can professing Christians claim they’re following Jesus when He kept the seventh day Sabbath and they’re chasing after SUNday? Keep pagan holidays, when Jesus only celebrated God’s holy days? Believe you go to Heaven or Hell, when Christ taught the New Jerusalem will be established on Earth and the wicked will be destroyed? (Rev. 21:2,8). Eat pork and shrimp and lobster, when Christ would throw up at the thought? Weren’t we warned about those who would pull a fast one about the times and laws (Dan. 7:25)?
The Babylonian Whore
We can’t get away with the excuse that “everybody’s doing it.” We’re to get as far away as we can from those traditions that have led us astray. God says to run for your life (Jer. 51:9)! But some are still falling for Rome’s father figure!
The CATHOLIC WHORES have sold-out and bought the Babylonian lies—as promoted by that pimp, Simon Magus (Acts 8:9). Not to be outdone, the PROTESTANT PROSTITUTES strut their stuff, sacrificing purity for paganism, violating God’s laws for their lewd ways. Most Protestants know who the Babylonian whore of Revelation 17:5 is and loudly say so. What they don’t realize is that they’re condemning themselves also, because “LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER!” (Ezek. 16:44).
God’s not tricked by traditions, and isn’t sold on religious ideas! Jesus’ true followers aren’t defiled with deceit (Rev. 14:4-5). They’ve learned to be honest.
God doesn’t prostitute the truth to make it more palatable (Deut. 23:17-18). He’s not so “easy.” But traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, “…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness’” (Prov. 30:20).
TOO MANY CHRISTIANS ARE IN DENIAL! They sit down at Baal’s corner bar and grill and make a pig of themselves—eating unclean things! (Acts 15:29). But God’s not a slob! He doesn’t lower His standards or forget His values (Rev. 3:20). Think about it: Would Christ feel comfortable at your dinner table or worship services?
Jesus’ virgins resist peer pressure. They don’t give in for a SUNday dinner. But “Christianity” has cheapened itself! When God got wind of their ways, He blasted their rank religion and rejected it (Isa. 65:5). Their holier-than-thou attitude STINKS!
It gets God burning mad, and irritates Him to no end, that ministers keep screwing their members and twisting the truth! Shamefully, people prefer PERVERTED PREACHERS! Consenting Christians love their lies! They delight in deception! But God condemns their SPIRITUAL PREFERENCE as inexcusable!
Jesus even exposed certain cities of His day as worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and indicated that they would’ve repented given half a chance. He did state that their “day in court” would be better than those who had seen the Light and yet chose to remain in their traditional darkness (Matt. 11:20-24). Christ didn’t sanction their choice— He denounced their “alternative lifestyle.”
Idolatry and Immorality
God condemns our countries for IDOLATRY—not just for immorality! We’ve got to come to see, know and realize that God doesn’t go for us following traditions all starry-eyed. We’re supposed to be in love with God’s way and follow His commandments! We’ve got to get our priorities straight and stop putting our ways before God’s ways (Isa. 55:7-9, Ezek. 20:18-21).
If we stubbornly insist on observing pagan holidays, we’re nothing more than idol-worshippers! When we rebelliously reject God’s holy days, we’re worse than witches: “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Sam. 15:23).
Since we’ve rejected God’s word, He’s rejected us! Europe’s about to forcibly remove us from office! We’ve jeopardized our position as leader of the free world, and are already staggering, having lost our biblical balance—it’s only a matter of time before we fall!
It’s strange—but true! It’s actually the religious, the Christians and Jews, who are immoral! Because we’ve polluted our land with pluralism, flirted with foreigners and whored around with pagans, God’s going to let them have their way with us.
We’re going to be RAPED AND BEATEN! Our enemies are going to strip us bare and show us no mercy! They’re going to treat us like white trash! We haven’t kept ourselves for God, so we’ll be given to others. We’re going to be sent away (as slaves) in SHAME AND CONFUSION!
And, believe it or not, it’s our “trusted allies,” our “faithful friends,” who are going to commit this date rape! It’s our INTERNATIONAL LOVERS who’ll betray us (Ezek. 23).
(Excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall)
Death to America?
Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
A Nation of Drunks and Whores
Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The World's Obsession with Israel
It doesn't matter what is going on in the world, the focus is always on Israel. Why is Israel's land the desire of foreign nations? Why do Israel's leaders seem to go along with land give-aways even though it threatens Israel's own existence? What does Israel giving water to Jordan, the Russians, and the Pope all have in common? Barry Chamish joins Tamar and shares his views of what is going on behind the political scene, and why our leaders seem to be selling Israel out.
Audio: The World's Obsession with Israel
Beyond Babylon warns: Beware Roman wolves in sheep's clothing! Europe's New Crusade has its evil eye on Mount Zion and is after the Temple Mount.
The Vatican plot against Jerusalem exposed!
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem! The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Israel should know not to trust the Vatican!
The Vatican and its Friends are Not Your Friends
By Shelomo Alfassa April 4, 2005
This article was written before the death of John Paul II
In February, the Vatican blamed Israel for not protecting Christians in violence that took place in a Galilee village, when members of the Druze community attacked Christians. The Vatican demanded that Israel place a permanent police force in the village to protect the Christian citizens; however, when Israel places a police force in towns to protect Jews from Palestinian attacks, the Israelis are labeled as occupiers. This type of double standard has become par for the course when dealing with the Vatican.
The Vatican knows about terrorism, about Palestinian Arabs attacking Jews, but when Israel decided to make a defensive move by constructing a security fence, Israel was criticized by the Church. The Pope's spokesman, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray said the Israeli fence, "inevitably creates a geography of apartheid, which provokes rather than controls violence... it lacerates the human fabric."
We really need to wake up and reexamine if the Vatican is our friend. Last week, world newspapers ran stories and photos of 160 Jews "blessing the Pope." The Pave the Way Foundation, which organized the meeting in Rome, said, "We have traveled here with the blessings of millions of our faith in order to thank you." Well, with all due respect to that group, I doubt millions of Jews were sending blessings to Vatican City.
Halacha (Jewish Law) was nowhere to be found at that event. In the presence of the chief rabbis of Italy, the Pope was praised, Catholic saints were spoken of and the Jews presented the Pope with a cross. The media referred to 160 "world Jewish leaders", which immediately begged the question - what Jewish leaders? They were not political leaders of Israel, nor were they top American politicians that happen to be Jewish. Who they were, were mostly businessmen from New York, none whom wore a kippah, but who all shook hands with the Pope, calling him "Your Holiness". For a Jew, what is holy about the Pope?
Website photos show the founder of the Pave the Way Foundation posing with monks, nuns and members of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. The latter is the Church led by Irineos I, the very man who wrote last year that Jews were "descendants of the crucifiers of our Lord," the same man caught trying to smuggle a pistol into Ramallah to meet Arafat, a loyal friend of his. Irineos' spokesman, Atallah Hana, caused controversy for the Greek Orthodox Church after statements he made in favor of suicide attacks. Israeli police detained and questioned him regarding his pro-terrorism statements, his illegal travels to Syria and Lebanon, his meeting with the head of the Hizbullah and his remarks of support for "martyrdom by Palestinian men and women."
The Jews operating the Pave the Way Foundation desire to have part of the Kever David HaMelech (traditional tomb of King David) on Mt. Zion handed over to the Vatican. Currently, the building belongs to the State of Israel, but this group feels it should be taken away from the Jews and given to the Vatican. This is the very building where until the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, people migrated to pray as it was the closest location to the Western Wall. David Ben-Gurion planted trees in its ancient courtyard, Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira (the "Baba Sali") made a pilgrimage there and the place remains holy to Jews; yet, this husband and wife team that runs their organization from Long Island, New York are working to convince the Israeli government to transfer this building to the Vatican. As the husband has been knighted by the Pope, he can represent him to the Israeli authorities, some of whom he has met with previously, such as Chaim Silberstein, the chief of staff of the Minister of Tourism, and Director of Religious Affairs Gadi Golan.
The Pave the Way Foundation, representing itself as leaders of the Jewish world, have said the Pope has made it a "sin to be anti-Semitic," and that he has "been a friend to the Jewish people and has tried to bridge the ancient gap." These statements are baseless, made by "tikkun olam pagans" in their self-fulfilling desire to play quasi-ambassador of the Jews.
Note, the Papacy they are talking about is the same one currently considering making a "saint" of Isabella of Castile, the 15th century queen of Spain who initiated the Inquisition. The Vatican already has taken a step forward towards this, officially granting Isabella the title "Servant of God." Where is the outrage of the Jewish community? This scenario would be like Gerhard Schroder, Chancellor of Germany, taking steps to make Adolf Hitler a saint. As revisionists, and the Vatican, turn Isabella into a saint, this same Pope plans to canonize Pope Pius XII, who was largely silent about the Nazi genocide against the Jews when he reigned during World War II. On his sick bed just two weeks ago, the Pope stated, "I will not die before I canonize Pope Pius XII."
The Church has a precedent for making Isabella a saint. In the 15th century, the Vatican canonized Vincent Ferrer. Vincent was a man who was responsible for inciting furious mobs that burned Jewish shops and homes and murdered Jews throughout Spain starting in 1391. When order was restored one year later, it was estimated that 100,000 Jews had been killed, another 100,000 had converted to Christianity, and another 100,000 had survived by going into hiding or fleeing to Muslim lands. Today, schools named Saint Vincent Ferrer are dotted across the globe, everyone seeming to have forgotten who he was. The Catholic Encyclopedia praises Ferrer, saying, "multitudes were won over by his preaching."
Many in the Jewish community forget there is a well-crafted, strategically minded and highly funded crusade to convert the Jewish people, and the Vatican is conspiring in this cause. There is a secretive group called the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism, which was founded in association with American preacher Billy Graham. The Vatican has participated in this conference, which strategizes on how to target the Jewish people for conversion. One of the Lausanne Occasional Papers stated that God has forsaken the Jews for not believing in the Christian scriptures and Jesus. Their statement is purely anti-Semitic, for what type of greater anti-Semitism exists than telling Jews that their God has forsaken them?
In 2001, the Vatican initiated a meeting among Christians who call themselves Messianic Jews. These people are part of the Presbyterian-funded proselytization movement known as Messianic Judaism, which is growing in Israel and remains problematic across the globe. Shockingly, Israel just issued the world's largest messianic proselytizing group Jews for Jesus an amutah, official non-profit recognition from the government to operate in Israel. When The Passion of the Christ was released, it was met with criticism from Orthodox Jewish leaders in Israel and around the world. But even in the face of criticism, the Vatican thought differently. Reports released said the film portrayed the death of Jesus as accurate: "It is as it was."
The Vatican consider themselves supreme rulers of the world, superior to all common people, kings, prime ministers and presidents. All that is missing is a title of power, and the Pope almost had that. Only a few years ago, the Catholic leader sought the ultimate authority, he was going to announce himself as the Holy Roman Emperor, reigning from the Urals to the Atlantic.
Just last month, the Vatican "graciously" opened its "secret archives", which contain a large amount confiscated Jewish property. The repository will "loan" to Israel papers of Maimonides, which they have held captive since the 12th century. For hundreds of years, Jews have wanted these documents, among other items, but the Vatican has denied access to them. If the Vatican was intrinsically good, if they really wanted to make a gesture towards peace, they would hand over all of the Jewish material to the Jewish people. These games of "letting us borrow" our own materials is preposterous and juvenile.
Planning the conversion of the Jews; working with non-Israelis to obtain Jewish holy places and give them to the Vatican; holding priceless historical materials of the Jews hostage; and making people like Isabella of Spain a saint -- how much more absurdity can we stand? Some keep denying the fact that the Vatican is not a friend of the Jews; how can they remain so foolish?
The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
The Secret Nazis Covet the Temple Mount
Mount Zion Under Siege: Who Will Be King of the Mountain?
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Israel's Chief Rabbi Invites Foreign Occupation
Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
Pope John Paul II Was No Saint
Vatican Envoy Bares Teeth Against Christian Zionists
Bavarian Pope Entrusts Germany To Lead Europe, Others Wary Of The Grand Inquisitor
Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to Suffer EU Occupation)
Grand Master Turns Up the Heat on Jerusalem
Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem
Mount Zion Coveted by Rome
Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Church of God
The Church of God Must Warn the World!
We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).
PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual"
If you truly saw what is coming on this Earth, and had a vision of tomorrow, you would know that the Gathering Storm darkens as you sip champagne and boast that you're rich and in need of nothing, woefully ignorant that the Two Witnesses will soon be wearing sackcloth and fasting, not wining and dining at black tie dinners
The Work of God Must Go Forward!
The Work of God must go forward. The only work that's left to do now is focus on the NATIONAL LEVEL. We must get out God's ultimatum and fast! Europe is on the rise and Jerusalem is getting international attention (Zech. 14:2). Soon God's two witnesses will rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isa. 60:1-2). God's about to restore His lamp to the Middle East! (Rev. 11:3; 1 Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11; Zech. 12:8).
Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation (simply a deeper understanding of some things), and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it (1 Cor. 4:7). Gerald Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words...
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
"It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."
Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
Stephen Flurry, son of Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (based in Edmond, Oklahoma), has published a book that Amazon sells, Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong.
The Watchmen
"I have set Watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem"
God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust!
Worldwide Church Of God All Over Again?
Let’s see to it that Philadelphia Church of God (Judah) doesn’t go the way of the Worldwide Church of God (Israel). These biblical principles still apply: don’t put undue trust in men; work out your own salvation, it’s not a group affair; beware the scholarly approach that demands you rely on men - not God’s Spirit or personal Bible study.
Friday, March 13, 2009
EU playing with fire
Re: EU playing with Jerusalem's fire
Originally Posted by Ivan88
If the Ashkenazi-Khazar occupants of Palestine want to play ancient Judah they can, within the boundaries of historical Judah.
If they're merely "Khazars," why are they fulfilling all the many detailed prophecies concerning JEWS and JUDAH? Christian Zionists know why.
There is no such thing as "Palestine."
Christians Reject "Palestine" for the Promised Land of Israel
Are you still at war with Rome and Jesus Christ?
Rome is still at war with Jerusalem and Jesus Christ and will soon be history. The King of the Jews will return and liberate Jerusalem from German-Jesuit EU occupation.
Jews to Receive Jesus as Israel's King!
Remember, the Elders of Judah said, "We have no king but Ceasar" and Ceasar's representative appointed Jesus Christ to be their King and they had Him killed?
Aren't you glad blindness in part happened to Judah so we could have a Savior? Or didn't you think it through? Have you forgotten all those Jews who repented and accepted Yeshua as Messiah and through whom God founded His Sabbath-keeping Church on the biblical/Jewish holy day of Shavuot/Pentecost in Jerusalem - not Rome?
Jesus GAVE His Life To Give Us LIFE!
You want to rebuild the Edomite temple of Herod?
You mean the holy Temple Yeshua referred to as "My Father's House"? The Third Temple will be built, the Temple of God - not just of the Jews. Don't you believe the Prophets and prophecies of Paul, John and others?
The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem
Do you even know where it is located?
Those Jews to whom God has given this responsibility, who have preserved this holy knowledge, do know where the Temple stood and will stand and the exact location of the Holy of Holies. Satan knows it too, which is why he has stirred up the Nazi Muslim hornets to covet the Temple Mount, as well as the accursed Roman Catholic Cult. That ought to be evident to any with even very little spiritual discernment.
The Correct Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies
If you do, why do so may pray at the wall of the old Roman fort that was in Jerusalem?
They're dead wrong to pray at the wall when they could and should be praying on the Temple Mount, as Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful proclaims:
G-d Doesn't Listen to Jewish Prayers at the Western Wall
Some of them don't know better, others are afraid, but all should study the issue of the Temple Mount and act and pray accordingly, so help them God.
Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies
The Correct Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Vatican and Jerusalem
Anybody who vainly attempts to dismiss the bloody Vatican plot against Jerusalem, specifically against Mount Zion and the Temple Mount, are woefully ignorant or in denial of both the Bible and history.
I would like the Israelis to take pause and not rush too eagerly into relations now that the long awaited talks with the Vatican are approaching. The Vatican needs relations with Israel badly now so that it can have a say concerning the Holy Places in Jerusalem. A topic likely to come up during Arab-Israeli peace talks. - Bernard J. Shapiro
Pause? Cease and desist immediately! The bloody Vatican will throw fuel on the fires of the EU strike at Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem with their document of death, galvanizing political and religious forces in Europe’s New Crusade. For the Israelis to invite the fox into the chicken coop, the pagan pope to holy Jerusalem, is as shortsighted as welcoming the racist and antisemitic Bishop Tutu. Nothing like inviting disaster and failing to learn from history.
The Vatican library and hundreds of churches and monasteries throughout Europe are in possession of thousands of rare Hebrew manuscripts and books stolen from their rightful owners. Jewish ritual art and ceremonial objects of great value are in the hands of the Catholic church. At the very least, Israel must demand the return its manuscripts and Judaic objects. -Bernard J. Shapiro
The most important being the Sefer ha-Azarah and the sacred vessels and Temple treasures, which Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, has called upon the Vatican to return or suffer the consequences.
Will Rome learn from history and receive instruction from the Bible or harden their hearts and be destroyed like pharaoh and Babylon?
Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?
The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
Barry Chamish has been warning about the bloody Vatican agenda against Jerusalem for years, and his articles brought Joel Bainerman’s piece to light which I’ve gladly shared all over the internet to help educate others.
Mount Zion Coveted by Rome
Germany has never given up its dream of reviving the Holy Roman Empire. At the height of that empire, their greatest king, Frederick the Great, marched into Jerusalem and became the city’s king. Jerusalem was once part of the Holy Roman Empire and the dream is that it will be again. In this empire, the delineation of powers was strict. The pope was the spiritual leader, but the political leader was whoever ruled Germany. This dream led straight to World War I.
Block the pope's entry to Jerusalem!
Beyond Babylon warns: Don't be flattered by the pagan pope's proposals for peace! Don't be seduced by his Babylonian charm! Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem is at stake.
Beyond Babylon warns: The German-Jesuit jackboot will stomp Jerusalem!
Never Forget: Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed by the Israeli oligarchy for their German-Jesuit masters intent on occupying Jerusalem and ripping the heart out of Israel. Watch for them to invoke UN Resolution 181.
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Mount Zion Coveted by Rome
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Holy Jerusalem!
“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),
Daniel, a prophet, knew Jerusalem is still holy in these latter days, and refers to it as such:
Daniel 11
41He [the King of the North] shall also enter the Glorious Land
45 And [the King of the North] shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain
Daniel 12
9 And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.
Apparently some who read this read right over "the HOLY place" Yeshua spoke of in reference to Daniel and fail to understand that Jerusalem, especially the Temple Mount, remains holy - having been sanctified, set apart, to ultimately fulfill their God-given purpose. The pagan Gentiles forgot this principle when they abused the holy Temple vessels in the Book of Daniel and paid dearly for it.
The Holy Spirit of God before and after Yeshua's death and resurrection inspired holy men to continue to refer to Jerusalem as holy, still sanctified by God, even if presently it's sinful (just like our human flesh even though God's Spirit dwells within us without being perfect):
Matthew 4:5
Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,
Matthew 27:53
and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.
Revelation 11:2
But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.
Jerusalem, like every other major city, is filled with sin (Rev. 11:8). But unlike every other major city, Jerusalem alone has been sanctified. We are to pray for Jerusalem to fulfill it's calling - not self-righteously turn our backs on it like the hateful Nazi Muslims!
Isaiah 62
1 For Zion's sake I will not keep silent,
for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet,
till her righteousness shines out like the dawn,
her salvation like a blazing torch.
6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the LORD,
give yourselves no rest,
7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.
Satan hates the heavenly Jerusalem and the earthly Jerusalem that is a reflection of it! God's People aren't to exhibit Satan's hostile attitude toward Jerusalem or the Temple Mount like those whose vain opposition will melt away, but that of Isaiah who loves and prays for Jerusalem to fulfill its awesome calling to become the City of our God, the City of Gold character and righteousness.
That's why I pray facing Jerusalem every night and end my prayers with the plea, "Yerushalayim shel zahav" (Jerusalem of Gold),
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel
The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem
The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?
Monday, March 09, 2009
Europe's Final Solution
To get a glaring glimpse of the increasingly murderous hatred, bigotry and disgusting bias against Jews and Israelis regarding the biblical city of Jerusalem (the fact Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times in the Jewish Bible and not even once in the Koran speaks volumes), woeful ignorance at best, read this putrid portion of the EUOBSERVER document on Jerusalem:
EU heads of mission report on East Jerusalem
46. As described above, Christians and Muslims living east of the Separation Barrier/ wall are increasingly unable to reach their holy sites in East Jerusalem. Permits are only granted in limited numbers on the occasion of great celebrations. In addition, males under the age of 45, even if they can get into Jerusalem, are seldom allowed onto the Haram Al-Sharif compound in the old city (a site considered the third holiest in Islam). Indeed, Israel effectively exercises a veto on who enters the compound. Cameras have been placed at the entrance of the other gates to the Haram Al-Sharif, pointing inwards towards the compound, and Israeli Security personnel are stationed at the entrance to all of the gates determining who is granted access. In addition, by their control of the Mughrabi gate, Israel imposes an unregulated influx of tourists on the Haram without prior negotiation with the Waqf, the Jordanian Islamic authority with jurisdiction over the compound.
As a Christian who was forcibly denied my religious rights upon the Temple Mount by Nazi Muslims aided and abetted by Israeli authorities, who was denied my religious right to pray upon the Temple Mount on our holy Sabbath day and biblical festival by Nazi Muslims aided and abetted by Israeli authorities, and was denied my religious right to read the Bible upon the sacred site of the holy temples of the God of Israel by Nazi Muslims aided and abetted by Israeli authorities, as the Jewish Bible and Greek New Testament testify graced Jerusalem (contrary to Nazi Muslim lies), I take great umbrage at the EU's distorted version and partial view of this issue of religious freedom! Let them read A House of Prayer for All Peoples? and be ashamed.
Apparently it hasn't occurred to the EU that those Arab males under 45 who are "seldom" enabled to visit the Temple Mount seldom do so without rioting and inciting violence and murder against Jews, Israelis and Americans.
Why does the EU express concern for Muslim religious rights, when Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount, allegedly Islam's third holiest site (although Jerusalem is never mentioned once in the Koran), is off-limits to religious Jews to pray or worship upon, even on the biblical Jewish festivals? This is especially grievous in light of the fact that the Bible reveals the God of Israel commands Jews and Israelites to ascend His holy hill and worship Him there on His holy days, as well as righteous Gentiles.
The EU's miserable failure to truly respect biblical Christian and Jewish religious rights upon the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as well as their vain attempts to ignore or dismiss Jewish biblical claims to the Promised Land of Israel - while advocating and pontificating for "Palestinians" - raises legitimate concerns that their document of destruction is akin to Fatah and Hamas and other terrorist organization's charters that seek Israel's phased destruction.
The EU's document of death to Israel is simply another political attempt to drive a stake into the heart of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, Europe's New Crusade, a concerted effort by those obsessed with an agenda to drive out the Jews from East Jerusalem, and invoke UN Resolution 181 as the FINAL SOLUTION, leaving the German-Jesuit EU in control of the coveted holy city.
For Zion's Sake,
David Ben-Ariel
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Taking the Stand!
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” ―Psalm 94:16
BEYOND BABYLON warns we're going down and out due to our idolatry and immorality.
Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?
"Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God" (Isaiah 58).
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Beware the bloody pope!
The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Divine intervention necessary for survival
Death to the American, British and Jewish peoples? Concentration camps for YOUR family and friends? Why would God permit Europe to defeat and deport us? Does He really hate the abominations of Christmas and Easter that much?
Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Mount Zion
John 3
13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from Heaven...
Acts 2
29 “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day...
34 “For David did not ascend into the heavens...
Hebrews 13
13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises...
39 And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, 40 God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
1 Corinthians 15
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
Revelation 22
12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.
Check out this article for more surprising information on this divine subject:
Born Again and Heaven and Hell
And for information on Roman Catholic efforts to wrest Jerusalem from the Jews:
Mount Zion Under Siege: Who Will Be King of the Mountain?
Mount Zion Coveted by Rome
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Monday, March 02, 2009
Birthers expose fraud
Why has Obama FAILED to prove he's a natural born citizen? Shame on conservative cowards who have FAILED to demand proof! This is further proof America is under a curse
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Jews to build Third Temple in Jerusalem
Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?
Will Rome learn from history and receive instruction from the Bible or harden their hearts and be destroyed like pharaoh and Babylon?
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
Major Upheaval in Israel?
Will an EARTHQUAKE shake Israel to its foundations and rock the world? Would the destruction of the Western/Wailing Wall and the demolition of the "Dome of the Rock" and Al-Aksa mosques—by an ACT OF GOD—serve further notice that it's time to build the Temple?
Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
"And let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). This holy command in the Scriptures seems clear enough, so what's the problem? Why has Israel tolerated Jerusalem’s "abomination of desolation" — a Temple Mount without a Temple? Why haven't the religious leaders encouraged the people to do what they can in fulfilling this mitzva?
The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem
Paul, speaking of the imminent Third Temple, the holy TEMPLE OF GOD (the Temple of God - not just of the Jews or any other conspiracy theory that contradicts Scripture), that Europe's wannabe divine emperor will pollute, coveting it since Satan knows (even if some religious folks don't) it is the TEMPLE OF GOD...
Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.
The Issue of the Temple Mount
The common knowledge of our time is that the vast majority of Rabbis of this generation have prohibited the Jewish people from entering the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit), the holiest site in Judaism. The Temple Mount is the site of where the Beit HaMikdash (the Jewish Temple) once stood and the place where the Moslems have erected one mosque, the al-Aqsa and a site of pilgrimage, the Dome of the Rock.
Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount
The Wakf, the militant Muslim authority that oversees Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site and Islam's alleged third holiest site (following Mecca and Medina) continue to show blatant disregard for Jewish, Christian and biblical history and non-Muslim sensitivities.
Where's the Temple On the Temple Mount?
Something's missing. Rome is synonymous with the Vatican, Mecca with the Kaaba, and Jerusalem's known for its Western Wall. But why should we stand before the wall, letting it obstruct our vision, when we could be praying in a Temple? Why should Jews continue to bow before an illegitimate Gentile decree that tells them where to pray? (Isaiah 10:1).
The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
The Jews have prayed for 2,000 years to again see the Temple upon the Temple Mount. It's past time for prayers alone: ACTION is necessary to put faith into practice!
G-d Doesn't Listen to Jewish Prayers at the Western Wall
Gershon Salomon warned Israel and its leadership that as long as the shameful situation on the Temple Mount continues, and as long as they do not obey the call of G-d, peace will not come to the land. The enemies of Israel will continue to desire her land and will pressure those in power to divide it. Obedience to the call of G-d will bring peace, all of Israel's enemies will be removed and no one will wish to divide or desire the land.
The Two Witnesses
Church of God minister Arlen Berkey, in "The Work of God in the Laodicean Era," makes a statement nobody in God's Church would disagree with: "The whole world will soon know about the two witnesses. They will not be welcome by this world."
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. Who are these two prophets? What do they have to say? Why are they called the two witnesses? How will their message be proclaimed? And is there any special significance to the fact that they're headquartered in Jerusalem?
Two Witnesses to Testify in Jerusalem Against Europe
Two controversial figures, referred to in the Book of Revelation as two witnesses, two olive trees, two candlesticks and two prophets, will boldly declare GOD'S JUDGMENTS and proclaim the LORD'S CONTROVERSY (Micah 3:8; 6:1-2), delivering a BLISTERING MESSAGE and a SCORCHING CONDEMNATION -- just before NUCLEAR FIRE AND BRIMSTONE RAINS DOWN upon those who've rejected GOD'S ULTIMATUM (Isaiah 41:27; 30:27).