Saturday, March 31, 2007

The British look to Germany to save them from Iran

Tony Blair conceded defeat some time ago for any proper British-Israelite response to Nazi-Muslim provocations. It appears the British, like the foolish Israelis, look to the German-EU to save them and then stab them in the back.

Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
God Save Us From Islam and Europe!
Ehud Olmert Playing with German Fire
Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Kosovo - A Cautionary Tale

March 25, 2007

Ruth King

It looks increasingly probable that Kosovo will gain its independence from Serbia, an outcome that should be of serious concern to Israel and its supporters. Ariel Sharon, to his credit, heard the alarm bells during the American bombing of Serbia in 1999, when he warned American Jewish leaders: "If Israel supports the type of action that's going on in Kosovo, it risks becoming the next victim. Brutal intervention must not be legitimized as a way to try to impose a solution in regional conflicts." And, it is no coincidence, as journalist Julia Gorin reminds us, that during the bombing of Serbia on behalf of Moslem Albanians in 1999 Saudi Prince Khaled Bin Sultan, commander of the allied Saudi troops during the first Gulf War, called on the US to do the same against Israel on behalf of Palestinians.

The fate of Jews and Serbs, which has intersected in the past, is doing so again. The jihadist effort to expunge Jews from Palestine mirrors the Moslem goal of incorporating Kosovo into a “greater Moslem Albania” while expelling Christian Serbs.

When Serbia became independent of Byzantine rule in the 12th century, its economic, cultural, social and religious institutions were among the most advanced in Europe. Serbia functioned as a bridge between Greco-Byzantine civilization and the developing Western Renaissance. The center of the Serbian Orthodox Church was in Kosovo where churches, monasteries and monastic communities were established. A form of census in 1330, the “Decani Charter,” detailed the list of chartered villages and households, of which only two percent were Albanian.

The Ottomans invaded Serbia in 1389 and consolidated their rule in 1459, propelling major parts of the Balkan peninsula and adjacent southeast Europe into a Koran-dictated Dark Ages. While a significant proportion of Serbian and Croatian nobility converted to Islam to escape the harsh conditions imposed on non-Moslems, most Serbian peasants clung to their Christian faith. Historian G. Richard Jansen reports: “Serbs and Jews became dhimmis subject to the dhimma or protection offered to Christians and Jews in newly Islamized lands in exchange for their lives.

Similarly Bat Ye’or, in Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide writes: “For the Orthodox Serbs… this same period [the centuries of Moslem rule] is considered one of massacre, pillage, slavery, deportation, and the exile of Christian populations. In their eyes it was a regime which found its justification in the usurpation of their land and denial of their rights....In their wars of emancipation-and, later, of liberation—the Orthodox Serbs found that their bitterest adversaries were their Muslim compatriots attached to their religious privileges and their domination over the humiliated Christians.”

In spite of forced migrations and oppression, like their Jewish counterparts, and unlike other Balkan nations, Serbs maintained their cultural and religious ties to their faith and shrines in Kosovo which, reinforcing the parallel, they called their Jerusalem. It was the Serbs who first mounted, in 1804 and 1813, insurgencies which spread through the region, culminating in the 1912 Balkan War which essentially eliminated the Ottomans from the Balkans.

Early in the twentieth century Serbian Christians were roughly two-thirds of the population of Kosovo, Moslem Albanians one-third. During World War I (triggered by the assassination in Serbia of the Austrian arch-duke) Serbs held off the Austrians for more than a year, before they were overwhelmed. Almost 800,000 Serbs perished, a fourth of the population. With full Serb support, the peace treaties of 1919-1920 established a state with the name "The Kingdom of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs." The awkward name was shortly changed to Yugoslavia with Kosovo an integral part of Serbia. At roughly the same time, the Balfour Declaration promised the Jews a restored homeland in Palestine which included what became the present day kingdom of Jordan.

From then on Kosovo’s population underwent sharp population shifts. During World War II, when Yugoslav Serbs refused to join a Nazi “community of nations,” an angry Hitler ordered the destruction of Yugoslavia. Following the Yugoslav army’s capitulation in 1941, Serbia was divided by the Nazis between the Italians and the Bulgarians, who encouraged armed gangs of pro-Nazi ethnic Albanians to attack the Serbs and to torch, destroy and desecrate ancient churches and shrines. The Moslem Albanians, who surprised their mentors with their barbarity and zeal for atrocities, were rewarded when parts of Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia were annexed to “Greater Albania.”

In 1943 the Nazis formed the 21st SS "Skanderbeg" division of Moslem Albanian volunteers to perform an “ethnic cleansing” (of Jews and Serbs) in Yugoslavia. Tens of thousands of Serbs were sent to a Croatian death camp and as noted by Raul Hilberg in The Destruction of the European Jews (1961) Skanderbeg played a major role in the Holocaust, rounding up Jews who were subsequently sent to Bergen-Belsen and various death camps. A Kosovar Moslem, Bedri Pejani, was appointed by the Nazis to rule occupied Kosovo. He promptly announced a plan to create a Great Islamic State in the region with the blessings of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini. The Grand Mufti, who had led a jihad in Palestine, escaped capture by fleeing to German-occupied Europe where, from Sarajevo he urged the Nazis not to flag in their destruction of the Jews. Needless to say the Serbian Christian population dwindled under this onslaught and the proportion of Albanian Moslems surged. By the end of World War II, Yugoslav deaths totaled more than a million, roughly half of them Serbs.

Although the province was restored to Yugoslavia after the war, the population balance in Kosovo did not shift in favor of Serbia. Tito, aiming for leadership of a wider Balkan alliance, did not allow Serbs who fled from their homes during the war to return. He did not enforce border controls and many thousands of Albanians infiltrated through the porous borders. (Like the Moslems in areas adjacent to Palestine in the interwar years, they were attracted by the superior economic conditions.) Seeking to pacify the restive Moslems, in 1974 Tito offered the province political, cultural, economic and juridical “autonomy,” along with large subsidies for agricultural and other projects, which merely had the effect of prompting a further influx of Moslems from across the border. For example, a new university was established in Pristina, with faculty from the University of Belgrade commuting by air.

All this did not pacify the restive Moslems who as early as 1960 demanded independence for Kosovo. There were intermittent riots which escalated and an emergent Kosovo Liberation Army gave as its stated goal “an ethnic greater Albania” to include portions of Macedonia and Montenegro, parts of southern Serbia and an “ethnically pure” (read Moslem-only) Kosovo.

In 1979 Menachem Begin, hectored by Jimmy Carter whose predilection for the Arab cause is well known, also offered the rioting Arabs of Judea and Samaria “autonomy” with the same disastrous results. As Henry Kissinger has noted, “autonomy” is a euphemism for independence.

Initially, the media reported the situation in Kosovo fairly. For example, in July 1982 The New York Times noted: "Serbs have been harassed by Albanians and have packed up and left the region. The Albanian nationalists have a two-point platform, first to establish what they call an ethnically clean Albanian republic and then to merge with Albania for a greater Albania. Some 57,000 Serbs have left Kosovo in the last decade.” Five years later, in 1987, the Times was still reporting the persecution of Serbs within Kosovo. "Slavic Orthodox churches have been attacked, wells poisoned, crops burned, Slavic boys knifed. Young Albanians have been told to rape Serbian girls…. Officials in Belgrade view the ethnic Albanian challenge as imperiling the foundations of the multinational experiment called federal Yugoslavia….Ethnic Albanians already control almost every phase of life in the autonomous province of Kosovo, including the police, judiciary, civil service, schools, and factories."

Milosevic rose to power with the promise of reversing this intolerable situation, restoring peace and Yugoslav control in Kosovo. But now international perception of the crisis turned against Serbia as Milosevic abolished the “autonomy” of Kosovo in 1989. There were arrests and house searches of Kosovar Albanians. And then the media went into a frenzy of accusations against the Serbs, much as it has against Israel and with similar distortions. The media depicted the armed, violent and jihadist Moslem Albanians as “unarmed civilians” despite the fact they called themselves an army and perpetrated assaults, bombings, murder of civilians and targeted assassinations of Albanians loyal to Serbia. President Clinton outrageously referred to a “holocaust” perpetrated by Serbia and compared the Moslems of Kosovo to the Jews—this, even though the Serbs had behaved well toward the Jews during the real Holocaust and Clinton himself was pressing Israel’s Jews to accept the “peace partnership” of Arafat, a brutal terrorist far worse than Milosevic, admittedly a dictator and a Communist thug.

The right was as vehement as the left in demanding action. In September 1998 such luminaries of the right as John Bolton, Jeane Kirkpatrick, William Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz joined such far leftists as Morton Halperin in a petition to President Clinton demanding that he not only stop “the carnage in Kosovo” but use “massive Western pressure” to obtain “a new political status for Kosovo.”

In March of 1999, the United States drew up a document, the “Rambouillet Agreement” which was, as Madeleine Albright boasted later, an absolute ultimatum to Serbia. It was a demand for Serbia to withdraw from Kosovo in favor of a NATO occupying force, something that no sovereign nation could or should accept. Incredibly, as The New York Times of April 8, 1999 reported, Milosevic accepted the entire package with the exception of NATO occupation of Yugoslavia itself. He wanted the troops to be under UN command. Dan Goure, then Deputy Director of the Center for Security and International Studies and a Pentagon official under the first President Bush said, "Rambouillet was not a negotiation, it was a setup, a lynch party." All this was in direct contravention of previously stated U.S. policy which declared that no national minority had the right to form a new state on other state territories…a policy which still guides the U.S. government in respect to recognizing Taiwan’s independence.

An interesting provision of the so-called “negotiations” demanded that the Serb army and police forces withdraw and a new Kosovar police force be formed to include members of the Kosovo Liberation Party, which was supposed to disarm. Sound familiar?

What happened subsequently is better known. In 1999 in concert with NATO, the Clinton administration commenced a 78 day bombing of Serbia. This action met with almost no objection in the West, hailed not only by liberal politicians and the media but by Margaret Thatcher, The Wall Street Journal and assorted conservative pundits and politicians.

To sum up: the demand for Kosovo's independence led to KLA terrorism which led to repression and expulsion of Albanians by Serbian military and police, which led to the assault by the United States and NATO. While the brutality of the Milosevic regime was indeed a complicating factor, he is long gone, but the KLA continues its assault on Serbs, on their churches, priests, homes, even on civilians sitting in cafes, this under the nose of the U.S. and UN troops which have now occupied Kosovo for eight years. Never mind that the State Department in 1998 listed the KLA as a terrorist organization, indicating (as Interpol’s assistant director for Criminal Intelligence Ralph Mutschke reminded Congress in December 2000) “that it was financing its operations with money from the international heroin trade and loans from Islamic countries and individuals, among them allegedly Osama bin Laden.”

Media and politicians alike, vastly indignant over Milosevic’s behavior, turn a blind eye. Speaking of Kosovo’s major city Pristina, where 40,000 Serbs lived before the UN took over (and where only 100 live now) Senator Joseph Biden, presidential aspirant and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, declared proudly that Kosovo was a “victory for Moslem democracy” and “Pristina is one of the rare Moslem cities in the world where the U.S. is not only respected but adored.” (Indeed there is a street named for Madeleine Albright, who played an especially scurvy role in ramping up pressure against the Serbs). Similarly the media takes notice of Kosovo only to berate the Serbs for failing to acquiesce speedily and gracefully to the loss of their “Jerusalem.”

Western leaders are blind to the danger to themselves in the principle they are establishing, namely that recent illegal immigrants from another state have the right to declare independence over territory long recognized as part of a different sovereign state whose inhabitants they have ruthlessly forced to flee.

The United States, the EU and the vast majority of UN member states, now pushing strongly to establish Kosovo’s independence from Serbia, are also establishing a terrible precedent in flouting the very international law under which the UN’s occupation of Kosovo rests. UN Security Council Resolution 1244, drafted to end the NATO bombing, specifically reaffirmed that Kosovo belongs to Serbia. Detaching Kosovo from Serbia against Serbia’s will is to violate the UN Charter. Serbian President Vojislav Kostunica reports that “when we mention the need for legality, some of these officials [UN, EU, U.S.] become exasperated, even agitated. They respond with various comments to the effect that we should not be bound by ’mere’ legality.” (The UN’s ambassador to the “negotiations” with President Kostunica is former Finnish president Martii Ahtisaari, a close associate of George Soros and the openly pro-Albanian Soros-funded International Crisis Group.)

Finally, there is an additional peril for the West here. The “two state solution” which aims to strip Israel of its ancient Jewish heartland, and the demand for Serbia to surrender Kosovo, the locus of its Serbian Orthodox faith, both advance the cause of resurgent Islam and worldwide jihad. To quote Bat Ye’or again: “In 1991, before the conflict erupted, the English edition of [Moslem Bosnian President] Alija Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration (1970) specifically stated: ‘There can be neither peace nor coexistence between Arabia, the cradle of Islam and non-Islamic social and political institutions.’" And he concluded: “The Islamic movement must, and can, take over power as soon as it is morally and numerically so strong that it can not only destroy the existing non-Islamic power, but also build up a new Islamic one.”

In Congressional testimony, our intelligence agencies have now disclosed that there are 16 terror training camps and arms depots in Kosovo. Julia Gorin warns: “Even conservatives, who support the war on terror and the war in Iraq, have a blind spot and an apathy when it comes to the Balkans, as well as to the fact that a lot of the terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere are connected to the Balkans.” Gorin notes wryly that when America needs to burnish its credentials among Moslems, it gloats about intervention on behalf of Moslems in Bosnia and Kosovo – and, of course, demands a solution to the “Palestine” problem. While Israel is not threatened with bombing by US/NATO forces, economic sanctions and threats will be enough to squeeze Israel into surrender.

Statesmen, commentators and pundits who urge solutions and negotiations both in Serbia and "Palestine" brush all historical claims off the table. They simply ignore the geographical facts of the Palestine Mandate where the Hashemites obtained over 82% of the land assigned as the Jewish National Home. They ignore the ancient and religious ties of the Jewish people to Palestine. They ignore the migrations of Arabs to Jewish towns in what Mark Twain called "The Wasteland". They ignore the strategic danger of a jihadist state in Palestine. With respect to Serbia, the “solution groupies” show the same disregard for historical and religious ties and sovereignty; the same indifference to the enforced migrations and immigrations which created an ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo; and the same blindness to the dangers of a jihadist “greater Albania” anxious to incorporate Kosovo into a Balkan caliphate.

And so Kosovo may become independent. Welcome to a new Moslem jihadist state, which will no doubt eagerly await the exchange of ambassadors with a jihadist Moslem state in Judea and Samaria.

German-American Israelites?

German-American Israelites?
By David Ben-Ariel

"Born German, Made American" by Nicholas Kumanoff in The Atlantic Times, reveals how "to prove their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities." Following "a virulent anti-German sentiment" that spread to several states, German language classes in school were banned, German books burned in the streets, frankfurters became hot dogs and sauerkraut became "liberty cabbage."

Anyone with a German name was suspect and subject to harassment. The American Defense Society announced that a German-American, "unless known by years of association to be absolutely loyal, should be treated as a potential spy."

This reminds me of how when I was 18 I told my Grandma Vivian Hoover I was going to the German-American Festival. I was visiting Grandpa and Grandma (Arthur and Vivian Hoover) on our farm in Risingsun, Ohio. She said, "Why are you going? You're not German." I said our name was German (even though it's been Anglicized). She snapped, "You're English. Your grandfather has a parent of pure English heritage" and something to the effect that her family also had such English ties (and we're clearly traced to England and Ireland, as well as Scotland on my mother's side). I replied that you didn't have to be German to attend the German-American Festival anyway.

My Grandfather Arthur Hoover's mother, Hattie Mervin, was born in England. My great-great grandfather, John Mervin, came to the United States a year before his wife and children rejoined him (after being shipwrecked three times en route).

I brought this incident up to my great Aunt, Neva Scoviac, Grandma Hoover's sister, during a visit to her home in Hudson, Michigan several years ago (Grandma died in 1980) and she said we're German. Grandma and Aunt Neva's maiden name is Ort - Pennsylvania Dutch - German. (I vaguely remember Grandma saying something about the Pennsylvania Dutch a long time ago, but then I thought it just meant Dutch - not Deutsche).

Aunt Neva served as a nurse during WWII and her brothers, my great uncles, served in the Philippines. Aunt Neva said after the war, especially when "we heard all the horrible stories" about what went on during the war, the Holocaust, you didn't want to be known as German or associated with Germany. She feels that's why Grandma was so adamant that we are English.

As one who believes in the Israelite origins of the West, the Hebrew roots of the Anglo-Saxons and white peoples of Northwestern Europe, I can see the hand of God in this disassociation from Gentile Germany. I can perceive Divine Providence playing its prophetic part in having sifted the Israelite tribes, specifically Manasseh the son of Joseph, through Germany and separating us from those who truly are Assyrian-Germans, literally distancing us from those Germans who remained behind, bringing us into this Promised Land of the United States, taking on a new identity, an American one, actually restoring our identity as Manasseh with our brethren - the "Lost Ten Tribes" - who emigrated from other countries where they had sojourned, through great works as The United States and Britain in Prophecy by Herbert W. Armstrong.

May God bless the United States of America, the biblical inheritance of the Tribe of Manasseh. And may God bless Germany to work with us (not against us) as they lead the European Union.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

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Grandma Vivian Hoover in Risingsun, Ohio
(click on photo to enlarge)

John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer

Friday, March 30, 2007 update - March 2007

The Bible Study Web Site at
Web Site Updates - March 2007
God inspires more sites to refer their visitors to
God has blessed's efforts, begun in January, to expand the number of quality Web sites that link to its study materials.
On February 9th of this year statistics from the popular Google search engine stated it had found 5,108 external links to Amazingly, Google on March 30th reported that the total number of links referring people to's excellent materials had jumped to 6,575! The best part is, unlike many Web sites that must pay to advertise their site offerings, these links were created without using paid advertising!
Year-to-date Web Site Stats
Visitors to 562,638
Number of articles and other study materials requested: 1,546,810

Are illegal aliens a ticking time bomb?

Some Mexicans are here to work - ILLEGALLY - and too many others are here for criminal purposes (on top of their illegal alien status). As for terrorist activities, it's only a matter of time before the Atzlan terrorists shock the nation. I've also read where many Mexicans are converting to Islam, so the illegal aliens are in many ways a TICKING TIME BOMB.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Polcarp and Polycrates kept Passover

I side with Polycarp and Polycrates for Passover and against Easter. They both dared to reject papal bull for the commandment of the Lord:

"Acceptance of Easter over Passover did not come without resistance. Two religious leaders of the mid-second century—Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna; and Anicetus, bishop of Rome—debated this very point.

Anicetus argued for Easter while Polycarp, stated Encyclopaedia Britannica, defended observing "the Christian Passover, on the 14th of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar, regardless of the day of the week" (15th edition, Micropaedia, Vol. VIII, p. 94, "Polycarp").

Polycarp taught observance of the Passover as the early Church had observed it. Eusebius said Polycarp did so because this was the way "he had always observed it with John the disciple of our Lord, and the rest of the apostles, with whom he associated" (Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, 1995, pp. 210-211). These Christians of the second century were still following the example of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6) in observing the Passover.

Several decades later another leader, Polycrates, argued with Victor, bishop of Rome, over the same issue. Eusebius wrote of the continuing debate:

"There was a considerable discussion raised about this time, in consequence of a difference of opinion respecting the observance of the paschal [Passover] season. The churches of all Asia, guided by a remoter tradition, supposed that they ought to keep the fourteenth day of the moon for the festival of the Saviour's passover, in which day the Jews were commanded to kill the paschal lamb ...

"The bishops ... of Asia, persevering in observing the custom handed down to them from their fathers, were headed by Polycrates. He, indeed, had also set forth the tradition handed down to them, in a letter which he addressed to Victor and the church of Rome. 'We,' said he, 'therefore, observe the genuine day; neither adding thereto nor taking therefrom. For in Asia great lights have fallen asleep, which shall rise again the day of the Lord's appearing, in which he will come with glory from heaven, and will raise up all the saints ...

"Moreover, John, who rested upon the bosom of our Lord; ... also Polycarp of Smyrna, both bishop and martyr. Thraseas, ... Sagaris, ... Papirius; and Melito ... All these observed the fourteenth day of the passover according to the gospel, deviating in no respect, but following the rule of faith. Moreover, I, Polycrates, who am the least of all of you, according to the tradition of my relatives, some of whom I have followed. For there were seven, my relatives [who were] bishops, and I am the eighth; and my relatives always observed the day when the people (i.e., the Jews) threw away the leaven.

"I, therefore, brethren, am now sixty-five years in the Lord, who having conferred with the brethren throughout the world, and having studied the whole of the sacred Scriptures, am not at all alarmed at those things with which I am threatened, to intimidate me. For they who are greater than I, have said, 'we ought to obey God rather than men'" (Eusebius, pp. 207-209)."

Easter: Masking a Biblical Truth

Voice of the Temple Mount Faithful Newsletter

Voice of the Temple Mount Faithful Newsletter -
Latest Edition! Winter 5767/2007

[PDF] You can download an Adobe Acrobat Reader for free here

Dear Friends,

We are so glad to send you our 2006/2007 Winter Edition magazine. You will find here a lot of information about the activities of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement and the progress of her work for the rebuilding of the Temple of G-d on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem and to renew the worship on the Holy Temple Mount where G-d chose to dwell among His people Israel and all mankind, His creation. We feel and know the time is short and despite the very critical situation in Israel and all the world the day that the House of G-d will again stand on Mount Moriah is behind the door. So much depends on what we shall do to make this great day a reality in our lifetime. G-d is ready and we can hear His calling to His people Israel on the mountains and valleys of Jerusalem not to wait more but to move, to build His house and to become a biblical nation with a biblical mission: "To be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations" (Exodus 19: 5-6).

The Temple Mount Faithful Movement answered this call of G-d from the first moment that we heard it 40 years ago when the G-d of Israel led His Israeli soldiers to liberate His Holy Temple Mount and to immediately rebuild His Temple. For forty years the Temple Mount Faithful Movement has acted, struggled and fought in Jerusalem, and all over Israel and the world to educate everyone about the urgent need to answer this call of G-d in the life of our generation as He is expecting from us to do so. We swore not to rest day and night until the Holy Hill of G-d is purified from foreign Arab Islamic pagan presence and the godly end-time vision of Isaiah is fulfilled in our lifetime. This is the right time for this prophesy to be fulfilled . . . more

Germany in Prophecy!

After the fall of Assyria by Babylon, what happened to the Assyrians? This nation seems to have vanished from History? Or did they? The Bible plainly says that Assyria will play a vital role in this end time. What happened to them?

Germany in Prophecy!

Hometown Jihad: The Return of Salah Sultan

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How Israel treats Jews is a crying shame

Where else but in Israel could thousands of Jews be forcibly removed from their homes and their property and businesses looted by sworn Arab enemies with covert world approval? Where else but in Israel could Jewish holy sites be utterly vandalized, destroyed and occupied by Muslims like Joseph's Tomb? Where else but in Israel would Jews be violently forbidden to pray or read the Bible at a holy site, even Judaism's most holy site - the Temple Mount - with successive governments rewarding terrorist threats and punishing innocent Jews against both secular and religious law? Why the woeful neglect and abominable apathy of Jews and Israelis that enables such deplorable conditions to continue?

Israel's Betrayal of the Jews

Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!

No wonder so many Jews turn their backs on the Jewish Homeland and prefer their self-imposed exile. What a horrible situation, a desecration of God's holy name, when the state of Jews (it's not a Jewish state) drives Jews away and treat so many Jews worse than the goyim did - worse because Jews shouldn't treat anybody the way the Israeli government has, especially fellow Jews.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Did only Jews return from Babylon?

Throughout the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, lists of names of those who returned are given and they are all from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi.
We see however from verse 1-Chronicles 9:3 that there were people from other Tribes there. This is explained best by Nachmanides (Book of Redemption, chapter one)...

Kosovo goes the way of Czechoslovakia?

Serbia and Russia react differently to Kosovo independence plan

By Andrew Rettman

27.03.2007 - 17:44 CET | By Andrew Rettman
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Serbia has firmly rejected an EU and US-backed UN plan to give "supervised independence" to Kosovo in late May, with the Serb prime minister calling for a "historic" Russian veto. But Russia appears to be mellowing its previously tough stance on accepting an imposed solution on the UN-run Serb province.

See more >


Monday, March 26, 2007

EU weakens own identity by ignoring Christianity, warns Pope

EU weakens own identity by ignoring Christianity, warns Pope

26.03.2007 - 09:29 CET | By Lucia Kubosova
EUOBSERVER / ROME - Pope Benedict XVI has criticised EU leaders for ignoring Christianity in their reflections over the union's 50th birthday and warned about demographic trends that put Europe's future at risk.
As a Frenchman, who wisely voted against the EU Constitution, brought to my attention:
"Ben veng'a il mal sé ben mi porta" from the Medici period....Welcome Evil if it brings me Good (a close translation).
The lesser of two evils is still evil. When Europe reverts to the bloody Roman Catholic Cross against the Muslim Crescent (bad moon rising) - which they will when their back is against the wall - they'll think they've found a savior but will get enslaved to its Babylonish system instead. Europeans will exchange the Muslims for the MARK.

Bird flu: Europe to slaughter Israel!

Deuteronomy 28:15

15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you...

Israel has been suffering from the "bird flu" for years, as a consequence of NATIONAL SIN (Daniel 9:11). Now it's coming to its conclusion since the Israeli people have rejected Kahane (the biblical ideals he represented) for Arafat and his Amalekite heirs: Israel is about to be slaughtered, having been sold out to EU interests by chickens, doves, turkeys and hawks (who prey upon their own people - not against Arab enemies).

The bloody vulture Shimon Peres must be caged, quarantined at least, since his unclean kind - symptoms of Israel's disease - have unleashed this sickness upon the Jewish homeland.

The Israeli sins are coming home to roost and the treacherous leaders who have prostituted themselves, who have sold out Israel, who imagine themselves immune from the EU plague, will soon suffer and die for it too.

Isaiah 28:14-15

14 Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers
who rule this people in Jerusalem.
15 You boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death,
with the grave we have made an agreement.
When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
it cannot touch us,
for we have made a lie our refuge
and falsehood our hiding place."

Will the Israelis undergo a cleansing coup and experience a heartfelt NATIONAL REPENTANCE? Will the Jews get rid of the filth in their lives and cull the foul leaders that pollute the nest and imperil the land? Will the Israelis insist upon Europe's new crusade to bring them to their knees and encourage them to clean up their act?

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 ...If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Jesus is risen! Jesus forgives the Jews!

The crucified and RESURRECTED Christ, spoke to those who cried out for His crucifixion and said to let His blood to be upon them, that they were fulfilling prophecy, saying neither they nor their leaders truly understood the great significance of what was happening, and which is why Jesus refused help from men or God (Matthew 26:52-56), and said it had all now served it's DIVINE PURPOSE, according to PLAN -- the Passover Lamb of God was slain and resurrected (Acts 2:22-24) -- and that now it was necessary to repent and be saved and have CHRIST'S BLOOD UPON THEM - to COVER THEIR SINS!

Some of those very people, some of those who were in that crowd stirred up by the religious leaders to cry out for Jesus' death, were now being offered life, and some of them repented and were baptized and CHRIST'S BLOOD WAS UPON THEM FOR LIFE, saving them from eternal death (Acts 2:36-41).

Jesus, through Peter, had compassion and forgiveness for His accusers, for those who were accomplices to His murder! (Acts 3:13-21). How moving. Like Joseph, "resurrected" from the otherwise sure death in the pit, RECEIVED AND FORGAVE HIS BRETHREN! Joseph's sell out and betrayal by his insanely jealous brethren, all worked out in the end. It was all part of the plan. God knows what He's doing. Jesus will soon return to His own in Jerusalem and be welcomed with outstretched arms. The Two Witnesses will have prepared Judah to receive their King.

JESUS IS ALIVE! The founder and leader of Christianity has not been stopped or forever silenced: HE IS RISEN! The Sabbath-keeping Church of God celebrates this glorious fact with Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, just like the early commandment-keeping Church.

Pravda and Orthodox Russia: Father, Forgive Them

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Stormfront strikes out!

Folks on Stormfront are often the other extreme of those self-hating whites who pander to minorities and pat themselves on the back for what a good non-racist they are, failing to see that their double standards and unearned credit given to minorities IS in fact racist.
Too many folks on Stormfront give all self-respecting white people a bad name, sad to say. So close, yet so far away.

David Ben-Ariel Faces the Aryan Nations
Aryan Nations to be Deported by Germany!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

'Whites Only' Immigration?

LEGAL immigration is good for the United States. Now if only the United States would put a screeching halt to immigration from any country outside of the British Commonwealth and Northwestern European countries to restore some sanity and balance in this God-given inheritance of Manasseh, the son of Joseph.

Folks might froth that's "racist, you only want white people," and it's true for the most part. Why? Due to the rude awakening an increasing number of white people are having: while whites usually try to downplay race to a fault, having been the majority and not feeling threatened, we're now witness to an alarming escalation of how other races are making demands and receive them at our expense and exercise all sorts of double standards. Concerned white citizens keep quiet, cowed into silence by the politically correct cult, strangely fearful of being called a "racist" while the United States goes to "hell" in a handbasket. We must counter others are racist with their double standards and glaring hypocrisy and set the record straight: we are realists.

As realists, we don't appreciate seeing racists of color, aided and abetted by self-hating whites, undermine the United States as we have known it: a great country and promised land of golden opportunities founded by British and European immigrants with a strong work ethic and inspired sense of Manifest Destiny. Many people from the other nations have aspired to enter our mainstream and share in Joseph's birthright blessing, not hindered by the fact this country was run by white men who made it what it is that attracted so many. Now racists of color have a problem with that and are trying to usurp our God-given positions and cause chaos and confusion that will cause all to lose and leave the land in ruins (Dan. 9:11).

May we remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and save America from going the way of South Africa and Rhodesia and Israel. If we get back to where we belong with God (Malachi 4:5-6), He will see to it that the rest is put in place and peace and prosperity will bless the land.

God help us to reverse the curse of "affirmative action," illegal immigration and other opportunistic infections that are killing our country.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Deuteronomy 28:13

And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.

May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted By Terrorists?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!

'Whites Only' Immigration?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Right on Rosemary Righter!

Righter: The EU needs to drop "its childishly defensive attitude to the US"

Rosemary Righter argues in the Times that the EU "is America 's pampered godchild," and that the EU could not have been realised without "America 's unflinching strategic and financial support for European recovery, and for the idea of European unity." Righter goes on, "At the age of 50, the EU should at last be able to shed its childishly defensive attitude to the US. So, even, should France . For only by pooling the skills and talents of Europe and America, will the European Union achieve its true international potential."


Germany's Fourth Reich aka "the European Union" will only acknowledge Americans as useful idiots.

Herbert W. Armstrong was right: a German-dominated Europe (under strong Jesuit influence) will wreak havoc on the world playing God.

God save us all!

Europe's Bitter Roots
Germany to Take the EU Bull by the Horns
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Will the Atlantic Times Address the German threat?
Bavarian Pope to Pump Life into EU Body
Europe Swings Both Ways
Bible Prophecy States EU to Form Core Group
Is a World Dictator About to Appear?
Bavarian Pope to Sweep Europe Off Its Feet?
Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
Europe Misses the Mark - Will It Return as the Sign of the Cross?
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
Catholic Europe in Vogue?
Bavarian Pope Entrusts Germany To Lead Europe, Others Wary Of The Grand Inquisitor

Church of God on Easter

Special Topics -  Easter

Below are links to Various Booklets, Articles and audio Clips regarding The Crucifixion of Christ.

1973 Booklet The Plain Truth About Easter PDF File

The Plain Truth About Easter A colorful HTML File

World Tomorrow Broadcast devoted to Easter (Audio File)

The Crucifixion was not on Friday PDF File

The Key to the Crucifixion Date HTML File

Landmark dates for the European Union

Landmark dates for the European Union
21.03.2007 - 09:23 CET| By Honor Mahony
After World War II – French economist Jean Monnet develops his plans to ease tensions between France and Germany as they square up over control of the steel-and coal-rich Ruhr region.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is 2008 The Year Conservatives Abandon The GOP?

Abraham's Tent

As a Christian-Zionist, I recognize what Jews and Christians share in common: our Judeo-Christian heritage. As we share in mutual biblical interests, I would expect to be able to freely discuss, engage in scintillating dialogue, hearty fellowship, proper debate and honest disagreement in Abraham's tent.
It grieves me to see so much anti-Semitism in many forums I participate in, yet God knows I do my best to counter it in my defense of Jews, Israelis and the Jewish homeland, the Promised Land of Israel. Such folks usually consider me a dupe for Jews, or blather that I am really a Jew pretending to be a Christian, and other conspiracy ideas.
It grieves me to see the same mentality, the same bullying tactics of usually one troubled soul inciting others to gang up against me, in Jewish or Mideast forums. They are no better than the anti-Semites. When one examines my posts, they will find Jewish/Israeli/Christian-Zionist issues addressing biblical topics such as the Temple Mount, the Third Temple, the Yitzhak Rabin assassination controversy, aliyah, the Lost Ten Tribes (hastening the process of redemption), Vatican efforts to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, Israeli defense, etc. What sane Jew or Israeli would object to such relevant topics?
Since my topics are clearly relevant to whatever forum I'm on, then such desperate folks who exhibit an unwarranted hatred against me, who engage in an irrational crusade against me, must resort to questioning my motivation to promote their conspiracy ideas of some secret agenda. I have none. I am open and honest, unlike them. None of my posts are "missionary," as they very well know. All of my posts are clearly based upon Israeli/Jewish/Christian-Zionist issues and concerns. Abraham would rebuke those who would so mistreat his guests. Let us bless Israel and those who would bless Israel together.

Christian Zionists believe and support the fulfillment of the many prophecies that foretold the restoration of Jews from all over the world to the Promised Land of Israel. Christian Zionists oppose those who would seek to undermine or destroy the Jewish Homeland for the myth of Palestine that is against the Word and Will of God.

Christian Zionists put many Jews and Israelis to shame, especially those who remain in a self-imposed exile contrary to the clear teachings of Judaism and those like Shimon Peres who are out in left field and would surrender Jerusalem to sworn enemies if the price is right.

A European moment

A European moment
Beyond Babylon ^ | 03-20-07 | Wolfgang Ischinger

For traditional European Atlanticists, it does not make for pleasant viewing to see US leadership damaged and questioned. But expectations are low today regarding its ability to lead the international community. In the face of a US credibility crisis, some look to Europe to take the initiative and fill the vacuum. Can 2007 be a "European moment"?
Herbert W. Armstrong warned us for years that a German-dominated Europe would brutally betray us. We can see such a German attitude displayed by Wolfgang Ischinger, basically ordering the United States to step aside so the German-EU jackboot can stomp Jerusalem and occupy Israel. As many Euro-skeptics know, the "European Union" is being forged into Germany's Fourth Reich.

Will the Bavarian pope soon promote the European man of the moment as the savior of the world?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pagan holidays dressed in Christian drag are an abomination!

The true Church of God avoids pagan holidays dressed in Christian drag like the plague, knowing they are an abomination to our biblical God.

A man dressed like a woman is still a man. A pagan holiday dressed in "Christian" garb is still a pagan holiday. Some of us refuse to play the Roman game of remaining in denial, however unpopular it might make us, as we prefer the plain truth of the Bible - not idolatrous traditions of mortal men.

Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?

Such pagan holidays in Christian drag are done in Satan's spirit of rebellion. Further proof is how popular they are among those who aren't Christian.

1 Samuel 15:22-23

“Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices [lip service/sacrifices],
As in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to heed than the fat of rams.

23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry..
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
He also has rejected you...

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

The Plain Truth about Easter

We prefer the sacred feasts of the LORD - not pagan Rome, Egypt or Babylon.

"The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts" (Leviticus 23:2). Sounds impressive, doesn't it? God Almighty saying in Scripture, "These are My Feasts."

Yet for most of traditional Christianity, these "feasts of the LORD" are thought to have been kept only by the Jews and are deemed meaningless for Christians. New religious holidays have been substituted that supposedly center on Jesus Christ.

Few people are aware of the seven festivals God reveals in the Bible. Even fewer are aware that they center around and teach us a great deal about Jesus Christ and His role in God's plan for all mankind.

The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ron Paul for President!

Introducing the latest addition to my family of blogs:

Did Shimon Peres get away with murder?

Did Shimon Peres get away with murder? by David Ben-Ariel

Will Jews ever learn?

I just read in the March issue of The Atlantic Times that American Jews of German origin "founded all the major private institutions, both in the United States and Germany, devoted to German-American understanding: the American Council on Germany in New York City; the Atlantik-Brucke originally in Hamburg, then in Bonn and Berlin; the German Marshall Fund and the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, both in Washington, and the Aspen Institute and the American Academy, both in Berlin" ("German Name, Jewish Family" by Robert G. Livingston).

When will they ever learn?

Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?

Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?

The Secret Nazis Covet the Temple Mount

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World

Bavarian Pope Entrusts Germany To Lead Europe, Others Wary Of The Grand Inquisitor

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Their Fight is Our Fight

Their Fight is Our Fight
Beyond Babylon ^ | 03-15-07 | Professor Eugene Narrett

The Israeli police recently began tagging visitors to Judea and Samaria. Residents receive a special digitally scanned tag for license plates or windshield. This is sold as expediting passage for the residents of the Jewish heartland, enabling them to avoid lines at the checkpoints necessitated by daily Arab attempts to murder Jews, lines in which both Jews and Arabs wait.

Justice for Jews

Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC)

World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC)

Jews Indigenous to the Middle East (JIMENA)

The David Project: The Forgotten Refugees

Go to top of page

Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) is a coalition of Jewish communal organizations operating under the auspices of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Sephardi Federation and the World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries in partnership with the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League, Bnai Brith International, the Jewish Public Council for Public Affairs and the World Sephardic Congress.

The World Organization of Jews of Arab Countries (WOJAC) is a voluntary non-governmental organization set up to represent the interests of Jews of Arab lands and to present a balanced view of the Middle East refugee problem.

IRRC 15 West 16th St. (6th Fl.) New York, NY 10011 - 917-606-8262 - 212-294-8348 (fax)

S. Daniel Abraham
Founding Chairman
Stanley A. Urman
Executive Director
Shelomo Alfassa
Director, US Campaign

Photo of Jewish refugee from Iraq courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center

Visit us online at

Jonathan and Esther Pollard

Jonathan and Esther Pollard

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Israel must remove the Arab threat

From Israel National News:
GSS: Israeli-Arabs are Existential Danger to Israel
Meir Kahane warned about this years ago and his political party Kach was banned as "racist" when all he was being was a REALIST. Are the GSS racist?
Former Israeli Parliament member and rabbi Meir Kahane also warned that according to Torah, if Israel didn't expel their enemies they would be expelled.

John Hagee pro-Israel speech

Shalom Friends,
Thought you might like to take a look at this address by John Hagee - I
don't agree with some of his traditional prophetic interpretations, but his
remarkable and most inspiring speech in support of Israel is well worth
listening to.
Stephen Spykerman

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Recolonize Africa!

Aid for Africa?

Africa appears to be a black hole, a never-ending problem child, a juvenile delinquent.

Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?

Why should we feed Africa when they murder the whites who produced crops for their countries?

A Warning For America From South Africa

The best thing we could do is for white Anglo and Euro-Israelites to repent, remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and recolonize Africa in a new and improved way, so help us God. The black Africans have proven, country after country, they're incapable of ruling themselves. And please don't be racist and blame it on the white man. The white man is burdened enough without such a senseless brand name carelessly given by liberals who endanger us all and should be held accountable.

Knock out Shimon Peres from the race

MK Avital Running for Knesset - at Expense of Shimon Peres
In other Knesset news, Labor MK Avital Collette has formally announced her candidacy for the Presidency of Israel. Her speech today was laced with veiled criticism of her former mentor, Shimon Peres, who is likely to run for the job himself.

Avital said that Peres "betrayed" the Labor Party when he quit it last year to join Kadima, and that Israel needs a President who can "serve a full term" - a jab at Peres' age, 84. She further said that she does not view the Presidency as a "consolation prize;" many have said that Peres deserves to be President in light of all he has done for the country and because of the many elections he has lost.

MK Ruby Rivlin of the Likud is also running for President. The secret-ballot election will be held among the 120 Knesset Members in July.


Both Avital Collette and Ruby Rivlin can knock out Shimon Peres from the presidential race. How? By simply asking a few questions about Shimon Peres' role in Rabin's assassination and his collaboration with the Vatican against Jerusalem.